Nara or Naro, as it is called locally, is located in east of district Khairpur mirs, Total Sq. KM 11611, from 35 Km kot bangle /Kotdiji.
Nara has 7 Union councils with 58 dehs.
This is a largest taluka of Sindh province; with good combination of agricultural lend and largest desert.
Main city/town is Choondko their surroundings is about 10,000 sq. km covered.
Its population is about 1, 60,985/-
Its literacy ratio is about 40%.
In Nara main industries are OMV kadanwari and Sawan gas field, Nara flour mill, and Kingri cotton factory, Small industries are Crush plants-ice factories- engro dairy farms.
Total primary and elementary Govt schools are 315.
Total girls primary and elementary Govt schools are about 52.
Govt high schools are 6
SAF schools are about 35
Private schools are about 10 in Choondko
Vocational center are 3-one is running by kashf foundation, Iqbal Institute, IBA vocational training center.
In Nara Govt is working in 2 RHC-5 BHU-1 Nara Medical center (MCH) and dispensaries.
Private hospitals are about 2 or 3.
In Nara political situation PMFL –PPP-Leading roles are Khadim Aradin-Manzoor Wasan and Pir of Ranipur.
The employment ration is about 35%
To saw the employment ratio by looking literacy rate is very poor, due to unskilled and un-educated person, the girl’s ratio of education after primary found very much low.
Specially need of Collage for girls and boys.
Then In Nara Need to train the peoples in industries training, motor mechanic/mechanic, electrician/electronics, welding-tailoring-fabrication-social field training, carpentering well educated /good female teachers. foundation, Iqbal Institute, IBA vocational training center.
In Nara Govt is working in 2 RHC-5 BHU-1 Nara Medical center (MCH) and dispensaries.
Private hospitals are about 2 or 3.
In Nara political situation PMFL –PPP-Leading roles are Khadim Aradin-Manzoor Wasan and Pir of Ranipur.
The employment ration is about 35%
To saw the employment ratio by looking literacy rate is very poor, due to unskilled and un-educated person, the girl’s ratio of education after primary found very much low.
Specially need of Collage for girls and boys.
Then In Nara Need to train the peoples in industries training, motor mechanic/mechanic, electrician/electronics, welding-tailoring-fabrication-social field training, carpentering well educated /good female teachers.